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kerogen shale

См. также в других словарях:

  • Shale oil extraction — Shell s experimental in situ shale oil facility, Piceance Basin, Colorado, United States Process type Chemical Industrial sector(s) Chemical industry, oil indus …   Wikipedia

  • Kerogen — is a mixture of organic chemical compounds that make up a portion of the organic matter in sedimentary rocks. [ [http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=kerogen Oilfield Glossary] ] It is insoluble in normal organic solvents because …   Wikipedia

  • Shale gas — may also refer to gas generated from oil shaleShale gas is natural gas produced from shale. Because shales ordinarily have insufficient permeability to allow significant fluid flow to a well bore, most shales are not sources of natural gas. Shale …   Wikipedia

  • Shale oil — This article is about synthetic oil produced by pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution from oil shale. For crude oil stored in shale reservoirs, see Tight oil. Shale oil, known also as kerogen oil or oil shale oil, is an unconventional… …   Wikipedia

  • kerogen — /ker euh jeuhn, jen /, n. the bituminous matter in oil shale, from which shale oil is obtained by heating and distillation. [1905 10; < Gk keró(s) wax + GEN] * * * or kerogen shales or kerogenites Complex mixture of compounds with large molecules …   Universalium

  • shale oil — petroleum distilled from oil shale. [1855 60] * * * Synthetic crude oil that is extracted from oil shale by pyrolysis, or destructive distillation. The oil obtained from oil shale cannot be refined by the methods that have been developed for… …   Universalium

  • shale — shalelike, shaley, adj. /shayl/, n. a rock of fissile or laminated structure formed by the consolidation of clay or argillaceous material. [1740 50; orig. uncert.; cf. obs. shale to split (said of stone), to shell, deriv. of shale shell, husk, OE …   Universalium

  • kerogen — ker•o•gen [[t]ˈkɛr ə dʒən, ˌdʒɛn[/t]] n. pet the bituminous matter in oil shale from which shale oil is obtained by heating and distillation • Etymology: 1905–10; < Gk kēró(s) wax + gen …   From formal English to slang

  • kerogen — noun Etymology: Greek kēros wax + English gen more at cerumen Date: 1906 bituminous material occurring in shale and yielding oil when heated …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • kerogen — /ˈkɛrədʒən/ (say keruhjuhn) noun a bituminous material derived from decaying plant and animal matter; a precursor to hydrocarbons found in oil shale and yielding oil when heated. {Greek kēros wax + gen} …  

  • kerogen —   n. kind of bitumen found in oil shale.    ♦ kerosene, n. fuel oil also called paraffin …   Dictionary of difficult words

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